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GSO Test


 At Parkhill Infants' School the health, safety and well-being of every child is our top priority.  We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils.

We listen to our pupils and take what they tell us seriously.  All school staff are trained in Child Protection, and children are made aware of the adults they can talk to if they have any concerns.  Staff are trained to look out for signs of physical/emotional harm or neglect and are required to repot these to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). 

The procedures which we follow have been laid down by Redbridge Local Education Authority and the school has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this, for the safety of all.  On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies.  We will ensure that all concerns are discussed with parents/carers first, before any referrals are made, unless we believe that such a move may be contrary to a child's welfare.

Please see below for our safeguarding policies.

 If you have any concerns about a child at Parkhill Infants' School, please report these immediately to a member of staff.


 Designated Safeguarding Lead:                                                 Mr Suhel Ahmed

 Deputy Safeguarding Lead:                                                        Mrs Rebecca Teague


The Safeguarding Team:




 Designated Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection:      Mrs Natasha Dunn

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is an umbrella term and covers much more than just child protection.

Child Protection is protecting children from identified risks – originally focused on abuse at home, now a wider concept to include bullying, abuse through new technologies etc

Safeguarding extends child protection to include preventing harm and promoting the well being of children.

Safeguarding is:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of a child’s health or development
  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provisions of safe and effective care
  • Create opportunities to enable children to have optimum life chances in adulthood.

(2004 Children’s Act)

Operation Encompass              

The school is taking part in a project that will run jointly between schools and the Metropolitan Police Service. This project is known as Operation Encompass.

Operation Encompass is the notification to schools that a child (under 18) has been exposed to, or involved in, any domestic incident. Children can be significantly physically or emotionally harmed when this is the case and the information received will be used to make sure the right support is available for children and their families. This will ordinarily be done by the start of the next school day.

Operation Encompass will ensure that a specially trained member of the school staff, known as a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), is informed. The DSL can then use the information that has been shared, in confidence, to ensure the wellbeing of the child.

The school will be able to make provisions or adjustments to assist for any difficulties experienced by the child, or the families involved.

We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.

operation encompass poster.pdf



 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 

Annex to Safeguarding Policy 2021 (Covid-19) 

Safeguarding and Photography 

Online Safety Policy

Online Safety Newsletter 

 Info re. Private Tutoring