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Nursery Admissions

Nursery Admissions (from age 3)

We take children into our school Nursery the September after they turn 3.  We do not give admissions after September unless there are exceptional circumstances.

 You can apply to place your child on our waiting list from age 2½.  Applications for Nursery places should be made directly to the school before 1st February in the calendar year they are due to start at school, using the application form below.  Please either print out the form and bring it into the office, or complete it electronically and email it back to the school via our admissions email address:



Please read our "Nursery Information" before completing the application form.

We are able to offer 15 or 30 hours a week for nursery children.


15 hours' provision is free and given on a 3 hours a day, five days a week basis, either morning or afternoon sessions. 

Morning sessions are from 8.30am-11.30am. 

Afternoon sessions are from 12.30pm-3.30pm. 

We are unable to mix sessions.  


For children attending the nursery 30 hours a week (i.e. both sessions with a break for lunch) we make a small charge for lunchtime supervision. 

School lunches are available but must be paid for via our caterers, ISS, otherwise a packed lunch may  be provided. 

 If you are not eligible for 30 hours' funding, we offer the opportunity to pay for the additional 15 hours a week. 

 Details of our Nursery charges for 30 hours a week are here

 To find out if you are eligible for 30 hours funding, please apply via the Government website below once your child has turned 3 (the page will give an ineligible result if you try before your child is 3).  

 Eligibility for 30 hours free childcare