History at Parkhill Infants' School
The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.
- Theodore Roosevelt
A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
- Marcus Garvey
At Parkhill Infants' School, we have created an engaging and inspiring history curriculum. Our curriculum encourages the children to take part in historical enquiry, developing their key skills to ask questions and search for different ways they can find the answer.
We regularly use artefacts in our teaching to engage the children with the topic, for example we have a large selection of Victorian style toys for the children to explore, play with and compare to modern toys. We look at different sources of information and give the children a chance to safely research their topic using books as well as the internet.
We want our children to question the world and consider how, why and when events happened. We want our children to learn about the past in order to shape the future.
We study significant historical figures, ensuring that these are diverse and interesting individuals who amaze and sometimes shock our pupils, such as Guy Fawkes and Mary Seacole. We consider chronology and try to give the children an understanding of when they are living compared to the past as well as observing changes that have occurred in living memory.
Coronation Art created by our pupils
In Early Years, we follow the Development Matters framework and teach history through “Understanding the World.” We get the children to think about how they have grown as well as exploring timelines of famous people. This allows children to begin to develop their chronological understanding.
History is embedded in every part of our Meaningful Memorable and Magical Curriculum. The children explore their local history and find out about significant figures.
You have the right to collect information from the media – radios, newspapers, television, etc – from all around the world. You should also be protected from information that could harm you.
- Article 17, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Useful Online Resources for budding historians!
English Heritage Kids Pages