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Before and After

    School Care

The school provides Breakfast and After-School care through an outside company, Parklanes Wykeham Ltd.  They are Ofsted registered and are currently rated Outstanding.

 Please note that this is not a drop-in service - your child must be registered with Parklanes Wykeham before they attend the club.

 Breakfast Club starts at 7.30am, the children are taken to join their class at the start of the school day.   The club supplies a variety of breakfast to suit your child’s dietary requirements: cereals (various choices), toast, (with or without jams), fresh orange juice, milk or water. 

  After School Club runs from the end of school day (3.15pm) to 6pm.  Children are provided with a nutritious snack and a relaxed environment after a day at school. 

  For further information, and to register your child for a place, please see the website:


Parklanes Wykeham 




We offer a variety of after-school and in-school clubs to enrich our children's learning and give opportunities to try new things.  

Sports Clubs

Our sports clubs are provided by PTC, and any queries about places, timetabling etc. should be directed to them on  07513 522 896

Click Here for the current term's offer.

Other Clubs

Our other clubs are run in-house by staff and are from 3.15-4.15pm unless otherwise stated.  We will contact all parents when applications for places are open.  

Booking is via our SCOPay system.  If you cannot see a club listed, that means it is full up.   If using a mobile phone please book via the SCOpay App (available from Appstore and Play Store) rather than using a mobile internet page, as not all the clubs show up in that format, and we would hate for anyone to miss out because of this.  To be extra sure, please book using a laptop, PC or tablet. 

Timetable for the current term (Please Click)