Art at Parkhill Infants' School
Art enables us to lose ourselves and find ourselves at the same time.
- Thomas Merton
The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.
- Neil Gaiman
Here are just some of the fantastic artworks our children have created!
EYFS (Nursery and Reception)
Year One
Year Two
At Parkhill Infants' School, we believe every child is an Artist. Art should empower, stimulate and challenge young minds.
We believe Art provides our pupils with the ability and skills to experiment, create, gain knowledge and an understanding of the world. This ignites their imagination and creativity. It builds their personality and gives them the ability to express themselves.
Art is Freedom!
Art is Personal Development
Art is Capturing Perception
We study the work of both modern and traditional artists who use a variety of media, such as Henri Rousseau, Barbara Hepworth and Andy Goldsworthy.
Adinkra printing workshop for Black History Month
Art is embedded in our curriculum, with visiting workshops to follow topics, such as Black History Month, The Great Fire of London and Birds of Prey. We work in school with many types of media, including clay, collage, crayon, paint and pastels, and digital art created in the ICT suite.
During Lockdown we have partici-pated in The Great British Art Exhibition, creating Animal-themed works of art at home.
Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
- Article 31, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Useful Online Resources for Little Artists!
Digital Art Links: